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TIMELESS Recovery Serum

TIMELESS Recovery Serum


Limited Edition -  Corrective Serum 
Only a few drops of this precious Ancient oil blend is needed twice a week 
Corrects and repairs irregular damaged cells tissue. Strengthens and regenerates vital healthy new cells.
This secret Ancient Egyptian Blend is formulated  from a selection of unique and very specific blends creating an  advanced effective, delivery system of active ingredients to the “cell Forming Substructure” "cell identical"
for maximum high-performance treatment bearing corrective improvement change and results.

Prepared with antioxidants. Release the molecular life-force potency of selected ingredients for resulting in deepest skin preparation and maximum effect.

Nano spheres Of our combination “Earth’s BioActive blend No 9 & 5 Ceramides and Natural peptides, plant stem cells.

The “injection and subsequence combining of these BioActive blends represent a tremendous process advance in the effective delivery of Active ingredients to the “ Cell Forming Structure” Stimulates and improves cellular Function and accelerated cellular renewal.  Serum is a 2 year supply 

    Capture Your Beauty Naturally 

    Advanced formulations using ancient secret activation processes

    - releasing the molecular life force of selected plant botanicals,

    minerals & vitamins

    resulting in deepest skin renewal

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